The Chatham Area Public Library District is a tax-supported public library, which means that people who reside, or own property, within the boundaries of the Chatham Area Public Library District pay taxes to support the Library.
To get Chatham Area Public Library Card, first make sure you live in our Library District boundaries:
- To check and see if you live within our Library District boundaries, click here. You will be taken to the Sangamon County Clerk's website.
- Enter your address and look to see if the Chatham Area Public Library District is listed as your library. Ultimately your tax bill determines your residency within our Library District.
If you have more questions, call us at 217-483-2713 or contact the Sangamon County Clerk at 217-753-8683.
Yes, I live within our Library District.
Click here for the next steps to obtaining your physical Chatham Area Public Library Card.
Click here for more information about obtaining a Chatham Area Public LIbrary E-Card. An E-Card grants temporary access to the Library's digital offerings.
Another Library (or Capital Township) is listed.
There are a variety of other library cards that may allow you to checkout items from our collection. Click here to see those options.