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2 results found

Auto Repair Reference Centre


(EBSCO): Auto Repair Reference Center contains information on most major manufacturers of domestic and imported vehicles. Database content includes more than 31,660 vehicles covered from 1945 to present; including drawings and step-by-step photographs, technical service bulletins, recalls, enhanced wiring diagrams, specifications and maintenance schedules.

Consumer Reports


Consumer Reports features ratings and recommendations on thousands of products and services in categories including appliances, cars, electronics and computers, home and garden, health and fitness, babies and kids, food, personal finance, and travel. The database provides access to product buying advice, blogs, safety alerts, recalls, as well as Consumer Reports' unbiased product and service Ratings and recommendations, selections from the latest issue of Consumer Reports, a searchable archive of the past four years of Ratings, Consumer Reports' exclusive product- and car-reliability reports, comprehensive decision guides, the ability to participate in expert Discussions, access to consumer/user reviews, and much more.